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UDC (553.81.078:552.323.6):550.8
V. A. Epifanov, Yu. I. Loskutov, V. A. Minin
The paper deals with “watershed (relict, rusty etc.) pebbles”, which are a type of unsorted and undefined diamond-bearing paleontological bodies widely spread within the Siberian Platform. The pebbles are Neogene-Quaternary and form covers. They also often occur as karst deposits. The pebbles pertain to rocks of “unclear genesis” with alluvial or glacial accumulation signatures. They contain the Jurassic terrigenous rock material. The paper justifi esthat the deposits could form due to pressure gas (“dry” outburst) and gas-water (“blowouting”) rock outbursts to the daylight surface. As the result the diamonds that were ejected from the near-pipe area of buried Middle Paleozoic kimberlite bodies could get to the Neogene and current placers together with overlying Jurassic terrigenous deposits. The way of vertical movement of fluid-generating sources with concurrent formation of ring structures at the modern daylight is described in the paper. These structures control zones of fluid discharge that represent the arched elements of river valleys, lakes and swamps. The paper briefly examines the history of study of the “relict pebbles” in the Yakut diamond-bearing subprovince. It is shown that their detailed study in the early 1960s at the Markha-Tyung interstream area enabled the accurate prediction of the Narykinskoye kimberlite field with high diamond content. But the kimberlites themselves were discovered only a few decades later. Drawing on the example of the discovered features of the “reference” Nakynskoye field structure, there is a spatial connection of ancient kimberlite bodies with young ring structure that controlled the formation of the diamond-bearing pebbles strata. Within the territory covered by the Jurassic rocks, at the continuation of ore-controlling Vilyui-Markha zone of fracturing, there is a briefly described diamond-bearing site with “reference object” indications. The study of the Tyung River basin is estimated as promising in relation to “blowouting”. The authors mention importance of refining of the suggested innovative search method. The authors consider it to be essential to develop a special program to study the Cenozoic deposits, which host placers of various minerals in different regions of Russia.
Key words: watershed pebbles, diamond content, buried kimberlites, modeling, ring structures, pressure outgassing, blowouting, acidulous waters, innovations, search methods.
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