UDC (551.4:551.72/.732):553.982.23(571.512-14)
The paper considers Vendian geology of the western Yurubchenskoye petroleum field and introduces contour maps of the Vendian bottom (Riphean top), the Vendian Katanga Formation bottom, the Cambrian bottom as well as thickness maps of the Lower Vendian (Vanavarka + Oskoba formations), Upper Vendian (Katanga + Soba + Tetere formations), submeridional and sublatitudinal geological cross-sections of the Vendian interval and the Riphean pool in the west of the Yurubchenskoye field. Figures given in the paper show clearly paleogeomorphological type of stratigraphic trap, which hosts the explored Yurubchenskoye field in its Riphean interval. The buried Riphean Yurubchenskoye plateau was substantiated. A gas-oil pool is located at the plane southwestern termination of the plateau. The height of its slopes exceeds 80–100 m. The slope gradient reaches 20 m per 100 m of slope. The Riphean surface inclination at slopes is about 12 degrees. The plateau is very flat. Its southwestern part is composed of carbonaceous Riphean strata. Gas-oil and oil-water contacts of the field approach to the Vendian bottom at the western and southern plateau slopes. Caverns formation in the upper part of the carbonaceous Riphean interval and the Riphean reservoir formation withmajor cavernous capacity had terminated by the Vendian Middle Oskoba time.
Key words: west of the Yurubchenskoye field, paleogeomorphological type of stratigraphic trap, contour and isopach maps, buried Yurubchenskoye plateau and its slopes.
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