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UDC (553.3/.4.078:553.2):551.73(571.15)
A. I. Gusev
The paper considers characteristic features of magmatism, metasomatites, and material composition of the Kuznetsovskoye field pertaining to the iron-oxide-copper-gold-ore type. Magmatism is represented by dykes of diorite, quartz diorite, alkali syenite, granite-porphyry, and leucogranite of a highly evolved magmatic cluster and is alkali to medium-alkali in its concluding phases. According to petrogeochemical data on the ore-generating magmatism, the melting of substrates is driven by asthenospheric and lithospheric factors. In the rock, there are two types of the tetradic effect fractionation of rare-earth elements (W- and M-type). Magmatic fluids have water composition rich in fluorine complexes. Ore metals (copper, wolframium, etc.) were separated under increasing fluorine concentration in magmatogene fluids. Ores are represented by scarn and vein gold-sulphide-quartz-type zones. The temperatures of ore crystallisation decreased from 450 to 175С with a change in salinity of the primary inclusions in minerals from 28 to 4,2% wt eq. Sulphur isotopes of sulphides are close to magmatogenic source. The carbon and oxygen isotopy in vein minerals of the field indicates the juvenile crustal characteristics.
Key words: magmatism, dikes, diaries, alkali syenites, granite-porphyries, leucogranite-porphyries, scarns, hedenbergite, garnet, epidote, Fe, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Y, Yb, W, isotopes of sulphur, carbon and oxygen.
DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2016-1-104-114
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