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UDC 551.243.4:(552.578.3:551.72)(571.51+571.1)
V. S. Staroseltsev
The author has made an attempt to outline major sources of bitumen shows in the Riphean rocks of the Turukhan horst highly deformed by eastward-trending overthrusts. As it was previously stated, the tangential stress not only causes asymmetric folding, but also pushes fluids, including hydrocarbon ones, to move in the same direction. The Turukhan horst overthrusts have a long formation history, including the Meso-Cenozoic time, which is apparent at the 2D sublatitudinal profile along the lower course of the Lower Tunguska River. The same trending of overthrusts is characteristic of the Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits at the eastern slope of the West-Siberian sedimentary basin adjoining the Turukhan horst. This allows for migration of hydrocarbons from the source strata of the West-Siberian basin into the Turukhan horst. At the same time, according to many geochemists, the bitumen shows in the Riphean deposits of the Turukhan horst are similar to hydrocarbons from the Riphean rocks of the Yurubchen-Tokhomo petroleum accumulation zone. Besides, the geochemical analysis of oils from the multilayer Vankorskoye field at the eastern slope of the West-Siberian petroleum basin made in TomskNIPIneft’s laboratory and supervised by DSc I.V. Goncharov have shown that within the field there are oils similar both to ones from the Yurubchen-Tokhomo zone and the Russkoye field in West Siberia. Therefore, hydrocarbons could move from the Jurassic-Cretaceous West-Siberian basin, which is very rich in oil and gas, through zones of overthrusting into the Turukhan horst.
Key words: Turukhan horst, eastward-trending overthrusts, Vankor chromatogrammes, hydrocarbon migration from the west.
DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2016-3-24-30
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