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UDC 77:(55:316.4.063.7)(091)


A. V. Lapo

A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, St. Petersburg

The paper describes an undated photographic document of a ceremonial meeting at the VSEGEI Academic Council hall. The analysis of the persons presented in the photograph has shown that the meeting was associated with the 1st May Day 1949. At the meeting, several VSEGEI employees were given government awards by P.A. Zakharov, Minister of Geology of the USSR. After a thorough analysis of the photograph, the author has concluded that the photograph was compiled with the aim to remove some VSEGEI employees that were persecuted under the Kranoyarsk geologists’ case after the meeting.

Key words: Krasnoyarsk geologists’ case, persecuted geologists, VSEGEI, B.K. Likharev, Ya.S. Edelshteyn, photomontage.


DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2016-4-101-103

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