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UDC (551.24+553.98):551.734(571.1)(049.3)


V. S. Bochkarev

Siberian Scientific Analytical Center, Tyumen

A critical analysis of the publication of S. N. Makarenko et al. (2014) is provided. It describes in details Devonian of the Nyurolskaya structural-facies zone only though the article is called «Devonian of the West Siberian oil-and-gas province». It is not correct, because it does not characterize facial types of rocks and does not present a scheme of the wells mentioned in the article. In the provided analysis it is shown that Devonian of West Siberia includes several formational groups, a regionalization scheme of West Siberia taking into account the wells drilled on 1 January 2014 is given. The main publications on Devonian of West Siberia are listed.

Key words: West-Siberian oil-and-gas basin, Devonian, Khanty-Mansi Region, Yarudeyskaya Well 38, oil formations.


DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2016-4-97 


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