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UDC 551.76:56.074.6(571.1/.5)


V. V. Sapyanik

Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Novosibirsk, Russia

By specific examples, the author considers concepts implying the sequence of applying the paleoecological approach to the study of geological events during the evolution of paleoecosystems of intracontinental and marginal basins of Siberia that had formed in the Jurassic time. Global aspects of evolution of ancient paleoecosystems result in redistribution of ecological niches and extinction of specialised taxons or their migration, and boost evolution of the remained groups of organisms (succession biocoenosis). The trends of ecological evolution of subsequent rows of microbenthos due to the adaptational potential of a taxon to ecogenesis and acquisition of biotops (paleoautecology) lead to the development of a new species, thus forming a new ecosystem. The paleoecological features of the assemblages of ecologically tolerant organisms in the relief system of the paleobasin (biofacies analysis) indicate the development and alteration of paleoecosystems in the geological history of the basin.

Keywords: Siberia, paleoecosystems, Mesozoic, foraminifers, evolution, ecological classification, biofacies.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2017-6s-163-179



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