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UDC 622.324.7:622.692(571.5)

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A. I. Sivtsev, A. R. Aleksandrov, D. M. Petrov

Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia

The article deals with the problem of efficient development of helium resources of East Siberian oil and gas fields in the medium- and long-term prospects. A prediction estimate of helium volumes unclaimed by the market until 2030 was made using the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field as an example. To effectively manage the helium resources of the developed fields and maximize profits, it is recommended to organize a centralized helium storage facility. It is noted that the classic storage in porous reservoirs of a gas field small in reserves is the least expensive and reliable. The area between the last helium-containing field and the Amur gas processing plant along the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is indicated as the most acceptable location for the helium storage facility. From the standpoint of the closest location to the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, the Nizhnedzherbinskaya structure prepared for deep drilling is proposed for the organization of an underground storage facility for helium concentrate. In this case the main advantageous feature of the Nizhnedzherbinskaya structure is its morphology, which is a narrow, high-amplitude brachyanticline extended to the north-east direction (up to 2.8–5.6 km in diameter) and complicated by three domes. The peculiar morphology may allow exploring and developing the Nizhnedzerbinskaya structure without drilling in the apical part, through the use of horizontal drilling to completely eliminate the risk of leakage of highly mobile helium concentrate. Here, Riphean, terrigenous Vendian and carbonate Upper Vendian – Lower Cambrian deposits are promising according to general geological prerequisites. According to the optimal depth of occurrence and the presence of an effective fluid seal (salt-bearing deposits), the Osa productive horizon is the most suitable for organizing an underground reservoir of helium concentrate in the Bilirskaya section, in a number of giant fields in Western Yakutia (such as the Talakanskoye and Srednebotuobinskoye ones).

Keywords: East Siberia, helium resources, Power of Siberia gas pipeline, underground storage, Nizhnedzerbinskaya structure, Osa Horizon, horizontal drilling.

DOI 10.20403/2078–0575–2019–3–106-109



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