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A. El-Meselhy 1,2, G. M. Mitrofanov 1,3,4
1 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Department of Geophysical Sciences, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt; 3 A.A.Trofimuk Istitute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 4 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
The analysis of the geological structure of aquifer layers made it possible to solve two important tasks: (1) determination of the aquifer system and groundwater flow, (2) assessment of the well efficiency of existing productive wells. The resulting solution was based on three-dimensional modeling using borehole geophysical data and the involvement of comprehensive information on the development of water resources. The result was new knowledge about the studied aquifer system in its geophysical, geological and field context. It consists in determining: the static water depth and the direction of the main flow, the structure of the aquifer with the distribution of aquifer layers and aquitard layers, basement rocks, as well as the well efficiency and the aquifer loss coefficients. These measures make it possible to increase the well efficiency and managing the process of pumping water from existing wells, as well as to optimize the drilling of new wells in the area under
Keywords: 3D modeling, structure of groundwater aquifer layers, well logging data, efficiency of wells
and development of water resources.
DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2022-4-70-84