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L. N. Konstantinova 1, I. A. Gubin 1, S. A. Moiseev 1,2, M. I. Abdulin 1

1 A.A.Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Based on the drilling of deep Mokuyskaya 1 and Ust-Mayskaya 366 wells, six producing horizons were identified in the Riphean section on the territory of the Aldan-Maya region. It was determined that producing and potentially productive horizons are confined to sand layers of the Kandyk Formation, as well as to carbonate horizons of the Ignikan, Nelkan, Milkon, Malga Formations. The paper also presents the results of reinterpretation of seismic data obtained on the territory of the Aldan-Maya Petroleum Region since 2005, in particular, the reflecting horizons in the Riphean interval were tracked, and their stratication by wells were performed. The map of the Riphean formation outcrops as well as producing horizons on the pre-Vendian erosion surface identified in the work were compiled, and the main criteria for the formation of hydrocarbon traps were considered.

Keywords: Aldan-Maya Petroleum Region, Riphean, Vendian, reflecting horizon.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2022-11c​-49-55


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