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UDC 550.834:551.72

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A. S. Efimov 1, E. V. Mosyagin 2

1 All-Russian Geological Research and Development Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia; 2 Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources (SNIIGGiMS), Novosibirsk, Russia

According to the results of the analysis of the entire set of seismic profiles and their tie with sections of deep wells [4], several litho-seismic facies zones have been identified in the South Tunguska Petroleum Region, in the interfluve of the Yenisei River, lower-middle reaches of the Bakhta River and lower reaches of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River. Each zone has “its own” special corresponding wave fields, formed in the interval of the Vendian and Lower-Middle Cambrian complexes. The east-west trending Suringdakonskaya litho-seismic facies zones with a sharp change of Lower – Middle Cambrian reflections is represented as an area of the change of the evaporite Lower – Middle Cambrian sedimentation to a substantially carbonate, terrigenouscarbonate one to the north. Moktakonskaya, Tanachinskaya, Ust-Deltulinskaya areas with produced oil and gas inflows from terrigenous-carbonate horizons of the Lower Cambrian adjoin exactly to this region. This system of marginal reefs should be considered the main oil and gas accumulation zone of the South Tunguska PR. The Verkhnee uplift is included in this zone. Within its limits, in addition to the promising Lower Cambrian intervals of the section, authors can speak very confidently about the high prospects of the Vendian and Riphean levels of the sedimentary cover.

Keywords: Eastern Siberia, Siberian Platform, South-Tunguska Petroleum Region, Bakhta megaswell, litho-seismic facies zones of the Cambrian, seismic survey, Verkhnee uplift, Vendian, Riphean.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2022-12s-9-17

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