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UDC 553.93/.96.04

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S. V. Shaklein, M. V. Pisarenko

Federal Research Centre of Coal and Сoal Chemistry SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia

The paper reviewed the brand structure of balance reserves of coking coals (A+B+C1+C2- – grade reserves) of distributed and undistributed subsoil funds in Russia, including the possible method of their extraction. It is shown that more than half of the balance reserves (52%) and bulk of reserves of especially valuable coking coal grades for open-pit mining are already in the distributed subsoil fund and are being actively developed. The undistributed subsoil fund contains 54% of reserves of highly valued grades, the mining of which is mainly (97%) possible only underground. Assessment of the brand structure of balance reserves from the position of forming an optimal coal charge indicates an imbalance in the raw material base - deficit of coking coal grades (K, KO and OС) and inert additive (KC) both in distributed and undistributed subsoil funds, and only about 30% of reserves fully meet the condition of balance. The volume assessment of the coking coal production from the position of forming an optimal coal charge to meet the domestic needs of the country indicates an excessively intensive development of the coking base coal reserves, that may lead to exhaustion of the distributed reserve fund of these coals in the near future (about 20 years).

Keywords: raw material base, coking coals, balance coal reserves, coal charge, distributed and undistributed subsoil fund.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2023-2-60-67


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