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UDC 553.04:552.57

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V. A. Salikhov 1, S. V. Fedoseev 2, O. S. Krasnov 2

1 T.F.Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Novokuznetsk Branch, Novokuznetsk, Russia; 2 G.P.Luzin Institute for Economic Studies, Apatity, Russia

The relevance of integrated use of coal waste to obtain strategically important non-ferrous, rare and rare-earth metals from them is substantiated. In this regard, the economic mechanism of integrated use of coal waste based on the organization of sectoral and intersectoral relations in the coal industry and related ones is justified. The socio-economic system under consideration (Kuzbass coal industry) will be effective due to the formation of clusters on the terms of urbanization, consolidation of science, education and production, as well as consolidation of the extractive industries into a single technological chain. The socio-economic and socio-ecological development of the region is assessed using the indices. Economic incentives and levers are proposed to activate the economic mechanism of integrated use of coal waste. This is the evaluation of benefit of obtaining valuable metals from coal waste compared to ore deposits. In addition, these are options for enhancement of integrated use of coal waste (options for conversion of metal reserves contained in coal waste into the category of economic reserves).

Keywords: economic mechanism, integrated use, coal waste, coal industry, economic incentives and levers, enhancement.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2023-3-115-121


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