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UDC 550.834

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A. P. Sysoev 1, S. A. Zaitsev 2

1 Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 2 Gazpromneft, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Currently, reservoir parameter prediction methods based on the amplitude wave field inversion play an important role in solving geological problems in the joint interpretation of seismic and well data. From a formal point of view, well data are used to obtain additional conditions for solving inverse problems of seismic. But the formal description of solution is conditional, there is rather an adjustment of results obtained independently from seismic and well data. The paper considers the following issues: stability of the simultaneous inversion parameter estimation; calculation features of background model and coordination of background and seismic solution components; compliance with restrictions on the maximum sourcereceiver distances by kinematic muting and the range of reflection angles during AVO analysis. The AVO effect is analyzed, it displays itself in a change of the reflection coefficient sign and, correspondently, phase inversion of reflected wave.

Keywords: AVO analysis, Aki – Richards approximation, reflection coefficients, background model, elastic model parameters.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2023-3-52-58


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