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UDC 504.45:330.15

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E. I. Golovina, Bayarkhuu Tselmeg

Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Groundwater, being an unconditional economic resource, as a mineral, has a number of features that affect various areas of national economy. In addition to the function of providing raw materials for the social sphere, groundwater indirectly creates the basis for economic activity in almost all areas of industry and agriculture. The resource potential of this most important mineral, especially freshwater is located very unevenly across the planet regions, while the demand for it is constantly growing, which is, among other things, a prerequisite for the emergence of international conflicts. The high costs of transportation, storage and extraction of groundwater resources make us talk about the complex economic aspects of this segment in the economy of many states. At the same time, countries and regions with excessive groundwater reserves do not always perceive them as an economically significant resource, as a result of which public administration issues in this area do not have systematic long-term planning. Currently, there is no methodology for determining the valuation of an underground water resource on the territory of the Russian Federation. The market mechanism is applicable only to certain types of mineral therapeutic and industrial groundwater that are commercial products, including MET. The comparative characteristics of surface and groundwater are carried out from the point of view of marketable products, the features of the tariff policy formation are considered as a realization element of the resource water potential.

Keywords: groundwater, tariff policy, cost estimate, water resources, water supply, water treatment.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2023-4a-81-91


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