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№ 4b, 2023


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Regional Geology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics​
Petroleum Geology
Lithology, Petrography, Mineralogy, Geochemistry
G. A. Leonova, O. Yu. Belozerova, T. S. Aisueva, A. E. Maltsev. Elemental composition of mineral phases in peat deposits of the Dulikha Bog (Baikal region) according to the methods of x-ray spectral analysis

I. S. Novikov. History of the river network development, geomorphic structure and prospects of gold mineralization in the central part of Salair 150​
Minerogenesis, ore and non-metallic mineral resources
A. N. Fomin. About the source material of Barzas coals of Kuzbass

A. I. Gusev, N. I. Gusev. Absolute age, petrology, geochemistry and ore mineralization of Timofeev Massif of Gorny Altai 186
Economics and Management of subsoil Resources Use
M. V. Mishenin, N. V. Yurkevich, I. V. Filimonova, A. P. Samatova. Feasibility of investment attractiveness for the development of technogenic dump with a high concentration of barite ​​196
Pages of Our History
A. I. Emelyanov. Iron-ore basin of the Kursk magnetic anomaly. The history of the greatest discovery of the first half of the XX century in Russia. Part II. Discovery of the iron-ore basin of the Kursk magnetic anomaly 206
Personalia, In memory of the academician A. E.Kontorovich
Editor’s note. Not a day without a line 213
L. S. Borisova. Teacher with a capital letter 215
S. A. Moiseev. Scientist, teacher, elder brother 215
V. R. Livshits. End of the whole epoch ​​216
P. N. Sobolev. Super activist from science 217
N. L. Padalko. The man from the legend 217
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