UDC 553.981/982:551.24.054 |
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N. I. Yandola 1,2, A. V. Chernykh 1,2, I. A. Gubin 1, D. A. Novikov 1,2, F. F. Dultsev 1,2
1 Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
The paper deals with the presented results of geothermal studies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits within the Vilyuy hemisyneclise and adjacent territories. Features of geothermal zoning of oil-and-gas deposits are determined by the cryogenic stratum developed everywhere here, structural plan and heat flow magnitude. The lowest values of heat flow (up to 35 MW/m2) are typical for the western and south-western regions of the Vilyuy hemisyneclise, the largest (up to 50 MW/m2 or more) values are сharacteristic of central and eastern ones. The thickness of the cryogenic stratum naturally increases with a distance from the Lena River valley, where a through talik is developed, in a north-western direction, where it exceeds 1000 m; the thickness of the cryogenic stratum is 600–650 m in the central regions of the hemisyneclise. Two types of vertical geothermal zoning have been determined. The first type with low geothermal gradients (0.49–1.40 °C/100 m) was revealed in the southern, north-western and north-eastern margins; the second one (more than 2 °C/100 m) – throughout most of the studied region. The thermal regime of Cambrian rocks is significantly influenced by disjunctive tectonics, which is expressed in an increase in the values of current reservoir temperatures in the south-east of the research area (more than 180–190 °C).
Keywords: reservoir temperatures, heat flow, cryogenic stratum, Vilyuy hemisyneclise, Siberian Platform, Arctic.
DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2024-4a-87-100