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№ 4a, 2023


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Regional Geology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics​
V. I. Makoshin, R. V. Kutygin, I. V. Budnikov, L. G. Peregoedov, A. N. Kilyasov. Asselian–Sakmarian brachiopod correlation of the Bulkur and Ust-Lena structural-facies zones of the lower reaches of the Lena River 17
Petroleum Geology
V. A. Kazanenkov. History of hydrocarbon accumulations in beds of the malyshevka formation on the territory of Kara-Yamal Region

Geophysics, Geophysical Industry
G. M. Trigubovich, V. V. Filatov. Induction tomography in electrical exploration
Lithology, Petrography, Mineralogy, Geochemistry
Minerogenesis, ore and non-metallic mineral resources
Economics and Management of subsoil Resources Use
E. I. Golovina, Bayarkhuu Tselmeg. Cost estimate as a tool for managing fresh groundwater resources in the Russian Federation ​​81
Pages of Our History
A. I. Emelyanov. Iron-ore basin of the Kursk magnetic anomaly. The history of the greatest discovery of the first half of the XX century in Russia. Part I. Natural phenomenon of Kursk Province​ 92
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