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To the 65th anniversary of SNIIGGiMS
SNIIGGiMS: 65 years of integrated study of mineral resources of Russia 

Petroleum Geology

A. S. Efimov, E. V. Mosyagin. The main oil and gas accumulation zone of the South Tunguska PR 9

O. V. Shiganova, V. V. Sapyanik, T. N. Toropova, I. S. Igonin, Yu. V. Kolosova, V. S. Korytov, R. R. Shakirov. Regional catagenesis of organic matter in the Jurassic deposits of the continental Arctic of the West Siberian oil and gas province


E. Yu. Lapteva, T. N. Toropova, V. M. Shcherbanenko, P. E. Zherzhova, E. A. Zyza, I. S. Igonin, R. R. Shakirov, E. V. Shulik. Structure model of the Nadoyakhskiy Petroleum Play within the Agapa Mega-Trough and adjacent territories based on the integration of seismic and WL data


A. S. Yunasheva, E. G. Gromova, L. Yu. Bespechnaya, E. V. Mosyagin. Methods of isolation and mapping of trap bodies basedon seismic survey data of Eastern Siberiawithin the western slope of the Baikit Anteclise on the example of the Middle-Lower Usolye section interval


G. M. Trigubovich, M. A. Danilova, R. R. Valeev. Concept of groundwater forecasting at oil fields of Eastern Siberia

Controversial Issues and Hypotheses
N. P. Zapivalov. Oil geological thinking – new aspects of the 21st century​ 65
Pages of Our History
A. I. Varlamov, A. S. Efimov, M. Yu. Smirnov. Fifteen years of participation of SNIIGGIMS in the development And implementation of the program of geological study and granting for use of hydrocarbon fields in Eastern Siberia and the Republic Of Sakha (Yakutia) 70
A. V. Isaev. History of discovery and study of the Payakhskoye oil field. Contribution of SNIIGGiMS 75

F. M. Kamenetsky, V. V. Filatov. SNIIGGiMS in the history of development of electric exploration in Russia


N. L. Padalko. Tomsk branch of SNIIGGiMS – 50 years of activity together with the leading research institute

Scientific dynasties of SNIIGGiMS
M. V. Popova. The Surkov dynasty 90
I. K. Staroseltsev. The Staroseltsevs. 60 years in SNIIGGiMS 95
A. P. Melnikov. The Melnikovs have been looking for oil since 1929 98
A. V. Bgatov. About my father ​​1​02
T. I. Novoselova. Vasiliy Bgatov and Aleksandr Van 106
Geologist's Days
Yu. A. Chulzhanov. Geology from the mouths of babies (notes of the guide of the geological museum of SNIIGGiMS) 108
SNIIGGiMS on poetic routes (V. Svinyin, Yu. Zubkov, O. Sadur, G. Cherkasov)​ 111
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