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№ 4b, 2024


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Regional Geology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics
A. N. Fomin, V. E. Gorokhova. Maceral composition and conditions for coal generation of the Tyumen Formation in the south-east of the West Siberian megabasin 23

E. V. Zaichikova. Upper Jurassic foraminifera in the southern West Siberia (Silga facies region)

Petroleum Geology
S. V. Ryzhkova, M. A. Fomin, D. V. Ayunova, A. G. Zamirailova. Geological structure and petroleum potential of the Bazhenov Formation in the northern part of the Nyrolskaya megadepression
Geophysics, Geophysical Industry

V. Yu. Gorshkov, V.S. Vishnev. About the use of magnetic components of technogenic field of electric railways for geological mapping


R. V. Gruzdev. Cluster analysis of geophysical parameters as the basis of geological interpretation (Kultuminskoye ore field, East Transbaikalia)

Minerogenesis, ore and non-metallic mineral resources
M. Yu. Khаritonova, N. A. Matsko. Availability of gold reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory 92
Hydrogeology, Geoecology and Monitoring of the Geological Environment
A. I. Surnin, I. V. Litvinova, A. A. Shamanova. The hydrodynamic field structure of sedimentary cover of the Lena-Tunguska petroleum province within the Siberian Platform 99
IT support for geological exploration and subsurface use
V. V. Zhuk, E. V. Shkunov, N. K. Kayurov, P. V. Shpakov, I. E. Romanenko. Tools for automated construction of geological section during geosteering along the trajectory of well under construction based on logging data during drilling 107
Life in Geology (in memory of G. D. Isaev)​ 113​
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